30 – Part 3 – The Extra Musing on “Forgiveness Comes First”featured
“Universal Forgiveness is not just wise spiritual counsel, there are also medical and academic studies to show the damaging effects of not following this commandment.”
“Universal Forgiveness is not just wise spiritual counsel, there are also medical and academic studies to show the damaging effects of not following this commandment.”
“What if each morning we recognize Jesus has already paid the price and forgiven our sins; and we make a commitment to become more like Him that day because of the love he has shown us?”
“With this higher and holier way of doing things, we are being offered an opportunity to do things in a more “mature” way; in so doing we have the possibility to also see and feel things that are not discovered when we are simply motivated by a hope for reward or fear of punishment.”
Both the individual and the leader are mistaken if they stay beholden entirely to a date marked on a calendar. It can be motivating to set goals, but the date is a target, forgiveness is the motivator, and repentance – or growth and change – is the goal.
“It is my experience that people who see themselves as victims become more susceptible to being manipulated.”