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Sign up to join our FREE online support group.
• Meet virtually with others working through their loss of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a positive, uplifting and faith affirming way.
• Find support by learning how others have dealt with the challenges of this process. Everything from the embarrassment and shame to the disappointment of missing out on participating in ordinances.
• Learn how to cope with “Church culture” while rebuilding your relationship with Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.
• Confidential. We are not here to talk about your sin or your past, just to offer support in moving forward.
• Designed in a similar format to the Church’s ARP meetings, but with weekly topics pertaining to those of us who have lost membership in the Church.
• Simply email us at [email protected] or DM us on Instagram at onesheep.blog
* Note that this is not a program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is not to replace your personal repentance process with your bishop or stake president. This is a group of individuals who are looking to support one another as we focus on returning to membership in the Church amid all the feelings and experiences that a loss of Church membership brings.
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