Real Stories – Richardfeatured
What is your name? (pseudonyms are acceptable)*
1. How old were you when you lost your membership?*
2. How long were you out of the Church, and how long have you been back?*
16 years out. 36 years back.
4. How did losing your membership affect your relationships with your family and friends?
16 years. Had to make amends and get back with family during the application for re-baptism phase.
5. What was your relationship with Church leadership like during the time your membership was withdrawn?
No relationship. Totally inactive during the 16 years.
6. As you went through this, what was your relationship with the Godhead like?
7. What were some of the hardest things for you as you went through a loss of membership in the Church?
Became very bitter against the leadership (Stake President). Didn’t want anything to do with the Church as a result.
8. What experiences do you appreciate and maybe even treasure from your experience?
The lessons learned. God still loved me. Knowing what it’s like to not have the gift of the Holy Ghost. Looking for a replacement and realizing there was none.
9. What went into your decision to get re-baptized?
A longing to come home. Always knew the Church was true and felt a pulling to return. Also a very strong prompting from the Spirit.
10. What callings have you had since being re-baptized?
Seminary Teacher, Bishopric, High Priest Group Leadership, Organist (in every Ward), Gospel Doctrine Teacher, Full Time Senior Mission, Two Home Missions.
11. How long after getting rebaptized were your priesthood and/or temple blessings restored?
14 months.
12. What do you think is misunderstood by others about this process of losing your membership?
The judgement that comes from the members, the lack of compassion and understanding.
13. What advice do you have for people who are going through a loss of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
Don’t lose hope. You are still a son/daughter of God and are still loved, maybe even more than before. Don’t give up. Be patient.
14. What advice do you have for people wanting to minister to or help someone who has lost their Church membership?
Love. them. Support them. Let them know you are there for them. Don’t withdraw your friendship.
15. Please share anything else you would like to about your experience.
There are very few of us who know what it’s like to have had the Gift of the Holy Ghost, the Priesthood membership in the Church, and then lose it and have to live without it. A convert knows what it’s like to not have it and then find it. That’s a totally different experience. To have had it, then lose it is completely different. And how precious it is to have it back!
* Thank you so much for sharing your story Richard! Great insight! I appreciate your observation on what a different experience it is to lose the Gift of the Holy Ghost, Priesthood and membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compared to the convert experience!
** If you are reading this and have also accomplished this heroic task of returning to be re-baptized after having your membership taken away, we would love to hear your story! I have heard from several that it is simply too uncomfortable to go back and remember the experience. I can respect that, but if you are able to do it, those of us still out can find hope in your journey!
***Please click on this link to find the questionnaire: https://forms.gle/5hKAxjJ5Lkhj1w5U7
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