34 – Portals to the Spiritualfeatured
While serving as a bishop I had one of my youth come see me about a concern they had. They said their home was haunted by evil spirits. I was told of sounds and experiences they were regularly having in the middle of the night that were concerning to them. As we spoke more, I learned about their routine which included regular and heavy consumption of movies and media that were demonic in nature. The longer we talked, the more I learned of behavior that, if not directly inviting to those kinds of spirits, at a minimum was focusing their mind and heart on dark and disturbing paths. Their actions were essentially opening a portal to that world.
Going back to the Law of the Harvest that I spoke of in post 31 “Finding Life’s Unexpected Easter Eggs”; I want to highlight a method for gaining more control over what is influencing our brains and spirits, as well as how we receive revelation. Our spirits and brains are different, but they are so intertwined that we can forget that they are often battling over who is in charge. (as covered in post 23 “Bodies, Brains and Motorcycles”) The way this plays out for us can impact the source we allow to influence our decisions – and, ultimately, our own peace and happiness.
In the 1990s, North America experienced the Tamagotchi craze. These were small electronic toys with a pixelated virtual pet on the screen which required regular attention. The cover of the box read: “If you take good care of your Tamagotchi pet, it will grow bigger, healthier, and more beautiful every day. But if you neglect your little cyber creature, your Tamagotchi may grow up to be mean or ugly (or it would die)…What kind of caretaker will you be?” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/keeping-tamagotchi-alive-180979264/
The health and outcome of the Tamagotchi creature were dependent on the nourishment it got from the “caretaker”. This person was required to regularly feed and interact with the toy, or they would get increasingly urgent notifications that their pet was suffering or at death’s door. One would find kids at school and in church focusing on their toys’ well-being. It was the first thing they checked in the morning and the last detail they attended to before bed. When they had other commitments that made them unable to attend to their duties, friends and parents were enlisted to babysit. Children could become anxious and almost neurotic about ensuring that their ‘pets’ were healthy and thriving. There was an irony in watching a child’s mental health spiral downward as they became consumed with the “health” of a toy.
Much like the child is in charge of the health and well-being of the Tamagotchi, you are responsible for the health and well-being of your spirit. What you feed and how you care for your spirit day-to-day matters. It will directly influence the views and experiences you will have in life, the decisions you will make, and the future you will have.
At this time, just as when I first lost my membership, I am keenly aware of how my choices are affecting my own emotional and spiritual health and happiness. Maybe that awareness resulted from my years behind the bishop’s desk, or maybe it is from my upbringing, but I realize that I must be careful with what I feed my spirit. Sometimes it seems like the world provides me with an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord and invites me to dig in. Fortunately, I am usually good at knowing what is and is not healthy for my attitude and happiness.
Have you ever eaten food and felt blah afterward? Some of us are more able to notice the immediate consequence an unhealthy meal has on our body while others continue to consume the unhealthy food without seeming to notice the impact it is having on their health. Both physical and spiritual diets matter in the short as well as the long term. As you and I go through this opportunity to repent, it is vital to recognize the spiritual, emotional, and even physical health we are experiencing because of what we are feeding our spirits. Once we develop that awareness, we can be more deliberate about what we are exposing ourselves to and how to build strength and health in all areas.
There is an effective solution to “eating” better: the scriptures – both ancient and modern.
The scriptures are one of the fundamental Primary answers to life’s problems – and for good reason. Since losing my membership, I have tried to be more diligent in reading scriptures every morning and doing at least a small part of the Come Follow Me material each night. And I have discovered that it truly matters! As a bishop, I counselled people in my ward to read them, and now, sitting on the other side of the desk, I both see and feel why I was guided to give that council to the repentant.
There are many ways to read the scriptures and none of them are wrong. One of the great gifts of Scripture is that everyone who is willing to study can find truth and guidance that will help with life and their personal relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ.
People read scriptures for many reasons. It may be preparing for a lesson, seeking wisdom or knowledge, a better grasp of the stories, or looking for some comfort. Sometimes it is simply because we are instructed to. At some point in our lives, we have likely all spent time reading scriptures for many, if not all, of these reasons. They are all worthwhile because they allow us to have meaningful experiences with God’s word and instruction. However, there is one reason that I am proposing is the most valuable reason of all.
I think the best reason to read scriptures for you and me today is to get personal revelation. We established in Post 9 “Recalibrating With The Spirit” that even though we have lost our membership in the Church, we can still access the Light of Christ and receive personal guidance. Reading scriptures regularly and with purpose can help with all reasons on the aforementioned list, but I suggest that opening our spirits to receive direct revelation is how the scriptures will most benefit you and me today.
In his talk “A Framework for Personal Revelation”, Elder Dale G. Renlund stated, “Feasting on the words of Christ, as found in the scriptures, stimulates personal revelation.” He footnoted 2 Nephi 32:3 “Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.”
On a recent episode of the FollowHIM podcast, Dr. Phillip Allred quoted then-Elder Dallin H. Oaks from a talk he gave in Japan while Dr. Allred was serving his mission years ago. “Have you ever been reading the scriptures and you found yourself kind of zoned out, like you maybe even turned the page and you come to and realize you have no idea what you just read?… What do you do when that happens?” One missionary said he goes back to the last place he remembers reading. Elder Oaks said “Please don’t do that… The scriptures are a medium to revelation. They are like a portal to the Spirit. Instead of going back over the black-and-white words on the page, why don’t you go back over the frames of your mind? What was it that you were thinking about?” 4:15 of FollowHIM Podcast Nov 1, 2023
Isn’t that an awesome concept? When you are reading scriptures, if you get lost in thought, rather than feeling guilty, reflect on what those thoughts were to see if there is any revelation or prompting in those thoughts for you! AMAZING! These thoughts may not relate at all to what you were reading, but because you were reading HIS scriptures YOUR spirit is better prepared to receive personal revelation. Revelation that may have direction, comfort or wisdom just for you!
In the January 1995 Ensign Elder Oaks said; “The idea that scripture reading can lead to inspiration and revelation opens the door to the truth that a scripture is not limited to what it meant when it was written but may also include what that scripture means to a reader today. Even more, scripture reading may also lead to current revelation on whatever else the Lord wishes to communicate to the reader at that time. We do not overstate the point when we say that the scriptures can be a Urim and Thummim to assist each of us to receive personal revelation.”
These two stories of President Oaks’ teachings from years ago resonate with me. I am constantly getting lost in thought while reading the scriptures. Often it is because I am easily distracted. But in considering this new insight, I now try to look for revelation in those thoughts. Is there something there that I am being taught or feeling prompted to do?
It was because I was reading the weekly material for Come Follow Me that my patriarchal blessing opened wider for me. I have a line in my blessing that has baffled me since the day I got it. It simply made no sense to me. Then one day as I was reading a particular story in the scriptures, the impression came to my mind “This is why this line is in your patriarchal blessing”.
My mind and spirit both got a flash of excitement, and I went back to my blessing. As I reread that mysterious line my mind opened to an understanding of what it was there for. I could hardly believe it – not only was I having this spiritual experience while having lost my membership in the Church, but I was given that line in my blessing 30+ years ago to help me exactly at this time of my life!
Reading scriptures opened my patriarchal blessing wider to my understanding, which in turn has opened the scriptures for my personal strength, wisdom and excitement. I have since listened to many of the Come Follow Me podcasts looking for further understanding of what my blessing was teaching me in that line. The whole experience has rewarded my faith by strengthening my testimony and adding to my understanding. Not to mention, it has made me feel happier and more connected with my incredible Heavenly Father!
None of that would have happened had I not been familiar with my patriarchal blessing and been reading the scriptures. Maybe there is something hidden in plain sight for you too? Whether it takes you 3 hours or 30+ years, I have no doubt God has something to share with you that will help you. See post 15 “Is your Patriarchal Blessing Still Relevant?”
Like a child nurturing their Tamagotchi to grow and be healthy, we can nurture our spirit and its communication with the source of Light and Truth. The more we go into the scriptures with the zeal of a child nurturing their Tamagotchi, the more open we will be to that help. Today, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has essentially said “Not right now” to me. I understand why. But Jesus Christ has said, “I’m still here for you”, and I have been able to hear Him through spending time in the scriptures.
As I have read the scriptural stories about the sinners and the downtrodden that He deliberately sought out and cared for, I have been able to feel and recognize how He has demonstrated that same loving outreach toward me. Jesus Christ has continued to teach and guide me. He has continued to comfort and bless me. He has spoken to me as I have opened myself to communication with Him through prayerful scripture study. I have recognized my responsibility to keep that communication open. Reading and studying the scriptures in an effort to find and connect with my Savior has, as President Oaks taught, opened the “portal to the Spirit” for me.
And oh how I have needed that personal revelation to help me through this experience of the last 3 ½ years of membership loss! For some great insights on God’s love for you and me and all who sin, read “Our Good Shepherd” by Elder Dale G. Renlund.
I began this post by talking of a youth whose actions and thoughts were inviting a spirit of fear, negativity and contention into their home and life. I could see how the experiences and relationships that individual was having were directly impacted by their choices. You and I make choices every day that play a part in whether we will be negative or positive, frustrated or hopeful, and further away from or closer to God.
I have the responsibility to determine what influence is allowed in my home and my heart. Reading scriptures such as the Book of Mormon daily and seeking personal lessons from the Come Follow Me curriculum has opened my spirit to revelation just as the prophets current and past have taught me they would. That revelation has helped me with hope, peace and understanding in ways I do not yet fully understand. I cherish those gifts, and they help me to continue forward in faith.
The scriptures work!
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