12 – What About Jesus Christ?featured
Is Jesus Real?
Is He paying attention to me – especially when others out there seem to be better than me?
Is He mad at me?
What is He really like anyway?
I see the dark ages as Satan’s playground. During this period, he ran rampant inside and outside of organized religion. Churches were used to manipulate good people through fear and intimidation. Kings and governments paired with religion to suppress people, and even to go to war – Ironically in the name of God. All the while doing very ungodly things.
The Old Testament has some weird stuff in it that God did for His purposes which can be hard to understand without context and the Spirit. The dark ages are where Satan laid his foundation for frustrating and confusing people trying to understand Jesus Christ and His work in this final dispensation. Some think being told the will of the Lord today is a control tactic in the same abusive fashion reminiscent of those dark days. God was portrayed as domineering, angry and punitive. It seemed people were a burden to Him. The masses were trained to think that as soon as we sinned, we were eternally cut off from God. Or that if we see sin in another we are justified in shunning them.
Years ago a lady told me she grew up being taught that God was always looking over her shoulder watching for her to make a mistake, at which point she would be cast down to Hell. I asked her if that were the case, why anyone would want to go to heaven to live with a guy like that. She had never considered it that way.
Because of what conspiring people have done in the past in the name of religion – people today feel justified in promoting any theory, imagination or shade to slander God and religion on social media. This practice just builds on the foundation established during that great apostasy period we call the dark ages. It can add confusion to our hearts and minds about the nature of our Heavenly Father and the importance of His Church. I don’t believe that everyone participating in this is a conspiring individual any more than I think that every religious leader in the past was trying to be insidious. Many have good intentions but simply get it wrong.
For Satan’s purposes, this modern-day slander is textbook gaslighting. We are made to doubt Gospel truths with the supporting spiritual experiences and confirmations that we have had. But you are not crazy, you did feel what you felt. Don’t let go of what is a gift from God to you just because someone fellow mortal does not want you to have it.
As I write this, it is Easter Sunday morning. As a Bishop, more than once I stood at the pulpit and pointed out that if it were not for what happened on this day, Christmas would not matter. Of all days you and I need to be thankful for, it is today!
The Savior Jesus Christ had completed his mortal experience in the most unfathomable advanced placement program ever. In His thirty-three years, and particularly His last few days, He was able to feel it all. Experiencing the greatest of joys to the deepest loss, sadness and anxiety. He passed through the bleakest of disappointments and the most terrifying of fears while on His way to the most severe of physical pain.
In some way incomprehensible to our minds, he felt it all – for us all. Because of all of what he endured, he knows what you and I feel. And, He knows how to comfort, sustain and guide us. But, we need to learn how to see and accept this reality. Somehow, through completing his mortal mission, He made it so we will all be resurrected, and with the greatest act of love, paid the price for all sin.
There is a difference between the sinner and the sin. The sinner is a child of God with a royal heritage. That sin is a mortal action that holds us back from progress. Initially, that sin may seem inconsequential – and many may argue that it is. That “smaller” sin can be overcome by taking notice of it, resolving to not repeat it, and getting back on your way.
Some sins are small but relentless and continually chip away at us. They tend to bring their companion sins along in short measure, and, while none seem overwhelming, they start to affect our view of what is real. The sin is not who we are, but the sin is now playing a part in our decision-making. As we give sin more and more time to play around in our hearts and minds, we give it more responsibility for our actions. Left unchecked, we can go down some pretty dark paths. Left unchecked long enough, it can become very hard to see the difference between the sinner and the sin. But Jesus Christ does make this important distinction. And He still loves the sinner – no matter what the sin.
Heavenly Father is all about agency, and He will let us stay on that downward path if we are determined to. But, that path is not the way to have the greatest peace on earth, and it is not one that will help us realize our greatest potential. He will always be willing to welcome us back at any point on that path once we decide to reach out. THAT is exactly why the Savior atoned for our sins! Because of Him, we can all each break free from our particular sins as He helps us change our path and redefine who we really are.
As a result of King Benjamin’s talk in the early chapters of Mosiah, the people experienced this mighty process of separating sinner from sin and changing their path:
“And they had viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth. And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be purified; for we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth, and all things; who shall come down among the children of men.
And it came to pass that after they had spoken these words the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come, according to the words which king Benjamin had spoken unto them.”
Mosiah 4:2-3
One of the wonderful details of repenting – or separating sinner and sin – is how quickly the Lord jumps in to help us in the process once we show willingness. Over and over in the Book of Mormon, we see the relief, peace and blessings bestowed on the people as they engage in this joint work with the Lord. We read of it with Enos, Alma, Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah and so on. Sometimes, the sin gets in deep and it requires more time to overcome its hold on us. Those that engage with the Lord in the wrestle will also see that He will lighten their burdens as they work to break free from the consequences of sin – as well as the burdens others may have added to the mix.
“And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.”
Mosiah 24:14
I have recently discovered a podcast by Ashly Stone titled “Come Back”. It is a series of interviews with people who have left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a time – sometimes decades – and then returned. Some left because of addictions, some because of Church history, some because of Church doctrine – and, all of them have come back.
It is inspiring to see that, time and time again, as people have committed to rebuilding their testimony through humble steps of faith, they have become aware of how the Lord was helping them and has been in their lives throughout.
He is there encouraging and welcoming us. As we pay attention and look for His hand in our lives, we will be blessed to discover Him there and this will help us to find greater strength and capacity to continue!
Jesus Christ and His Atonement are proof that Heavenly Father is not that distant, disinterested or punitive being people have made him out to be whether historically or in our day. We are understudies of a most loving Heavenly Father who knew we would all sin from time to time, and gave us His Son exactly because He loves us so powerfully! We will all live again. To live our greatest potential, we all must accept the Atonement in our lives. We must tell others of it, and we must also rejoice when others accept it.
“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine and go into the wilderness after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Luke 15:4-7 JST)
Jesus Christ is real and is not upset with us because we had to repent, He actually “rejoices” when each of us, one by one, use His greatest of all gifts! Let us all rejoice that we and others can change, grow and move on because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement!
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